Superior WI Central High and Central Junior High School Alumni

We're back! Our committee got together for fun last summer. We enjoyed each other's company so much we continued to meet. There was talk about a reunion over several months. Finally we decided we could give it one more try for those of us that are left. We are losing alumni at an alarming rate.

Here's the scoop. We will be gathering at the Superior Curling Club on the Superior fairgrounds on Tower Avenue, August 7, 2015 from 2:00 to 7:00 p.m. This will be a very informal get-together, open house style. It will allow other classes who may be planning luncheons or dinners on that same day to also attend this reunion.

We are offering hors d'oeuvres, a memorabilia display, a classic car show, Central songs, and more, all for a yet to be determined, but very reasonable charge at the door.

Mark the date, and plan to join us.

Visit our Facebook page at: Superior Central High School 2015 Reunion - Superior WI

LAST All Class Reunion August 3 & 4, 2010. 
And it's over . . .
Thanks to all who voiced their thanks to the committee for the long hours and hard work it took to produce this All Class Reunion.  To those who asked "When is the next one?", I gave my stock answer:  "You plan it and we will be there!" And now I will eat those words, as we are planning another one.
Over 800 people met with former school mates and had a great time remembering school days, thanks to the great memorabilia room put together by Ron Cain (with lots of help by Diana Cain) and Barbara Munic. 
Keep in touch . . and invite us to your next class reunion!

Our Mission


To provide information for the all class reunion, and a place for individual classes to advertise meetings and gatherings.

We still have memorabilia to sell to fund the scholarship fund. Cups, magnets, pens, t shirts and sweatshirts are on sale at discounted prices.

11 White with purple small sweatshirts - only $10.00 each
 6  Purple with white small sweatshirts - only $10.00 each
 9 White with purple small T-shirts       - only $  5.00 each
27 White with purple medium T-shirts  - only $  5.00 each
 5 Purple with white small T-shirts       - only $  5.00 each
10 Purple with white medium T-shirts   - only $  5.00 each
  5 White with purple X Large T-shirts   - only $  5.00 each

All shirts show Viking logo and inscription "Superior Central Vikings" on the front.

300 school photo ceramic coffee cups   - only $ 4.00 each
Lots of 2004 reunion pins                     - only     .25 each
100 school photo magnets               now only   1.00 each


Updates to this old information will continue over the next month.

Yearbooks, pictures and videos of interviews of classmates are available at the Superior Public Library for classmates to use at gatherings.


Thanks to the generosity of our alumni, both through tickets purchased for the 2004 Reunion, and additional donations, we have a scholarship fund for Senior High Students that provides a $1000 scholarship each year.  We have a second fund of approximately $10,000 that will grow until it reaches approximagely $20,000, and then will provide a second $1000 scholarship each year.

To date, we have provided three graduating seniors with a $1000 scholarship. The qualifications for the student include a GPA of 2.5 or higher, who has not received any other SHS scholarship. The student may attend any 4-year, 2-year, 1-year college, technical or training school of his or her choice.  Preference is given to a qualifying senior who is a relative of a graduate of Superior Central High School.  

Please consider adding to this second fund, so we can reach our goal sooner! Contact Joan Parenteau at the Superior Board Office, 715-394-8710,  or send a check to the Superior Central High School Alumni Scholarship at 3025 Tower Avenue, Superior, WI 54880.

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Questions or comments? Get in touch with us at:

Mailing Address:

9834 South Dietz Rd
Foxboro, WI 54836

Phone: (715) 399-8152
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